Prof. Dr. Christian Rohr

Full Professor of Environmental and Climate History

Department of Economic, Social and Environmental History

+41 31 684 85 58
+41 31 684 83 43 (Sekretariat)
B 115, Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49
Postal Address
University of Bern
Institute of History
Länggassstrasse 49
CH-3012 Bern
Consultation Hour
Tuesday, 16:30-17:30 Uhr
Thursday, 14:00-15:00 Uhr
or by individual appointment
No registration necessary.

No consultation hour on the following dates:
Tue, 11.03.2025
Thu, 13.03.2025
Thu, 20.03.2025
Thu, 17.04.2025
Thu, 05.06.2025
Tue, 10.06.2025
Thu, 12.06.2025
  • Perception, interpretation and management of natural disasters (Middle Ages, Modern History)
  • Climate history of the Middle Ages
  • Resource conflicts (water, wood) in history
  • Visual environmental history
  • Environmental history of Alpine tourism
  • Reception of the Middle Ages in popular culture
  • Festive culture of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times
  • Auxiliary sciences in history

List of publications and presentations since 2010 (BORIS, partly with download option)