Italy and Its Eastern Border, 1866-2016
Reihe: Routledge Studies in Modern European History
ISBN 9781138791749
"The main attractions in this project are the high quality of the author’s scholarship, the objective and balanced treatment the new work seems to provide, and its inclusiveness. Some of the aspects studied in this book are virtually unknown in the English-language literature… and is the first major work in quite some time to deal with the history of Italy’s north-eastern frontier in modern times. "
Stanley Payne, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
"Cattaruzza's book provides a fascinating case study of European "border nationalism" and the making and remaking of boundaries over two centuries. With a transnational perspective, the book is key to the understanding of modern Italian and European history."
Gerald Steinacher, University of Nebraska, USA
"In this book Marina Cattaruzza examines a key topic in Italian history, long ignored both by Italian historiography and public opinion, that of the territories near the northeastern border, contested first between the Austro-Hungarian empire and Italy and subsequently between Italy and Yugoslavia.
The author provides a thorough and balanced account of a century and a half of Italian social and political history, with a particular focus on the bitter struggle for the control of Trieste against Yugoslavia at the end of the Second World War, which makes the book additionally interesting to those who study the Cold War.
The book is the result of many years of research into the complex history of these territories, shaped by contrasting cultural identities and nationalist sentiments."
Elena Aga Rossi, Universita Degli Studi Dell'Aquila, Italy
"Marina Cattaruzza is an outstanding scholar of the history of Mitteleuropa and of the Italian Territories under the Austrian Monarchy. Cattaruzza’s mastery of sources and historiography makes Italy and Its Eastern Border, 1866-2016 a model of scholarship on a very controversial subject. Conflicts of nationalities on the Italian Eastern Border had dire consequences both on international and national situations. It caused the first failure of the 1919 Peace Conference in Europe, and was one of the main springboards of Fascism in Italy. Cattaruzza’s analysis of longstanding and at times bloody ethnic rivalries on both sides of the Italian Easter Border provides an insightful approach to understanding the ethnic conflicts in Eastern Europe today."
Emilio Gentile, Professor Emeritus University of Rome La Sapienza
L’Italia e la questione adriatica. Dibattiti parlamentari e panorama internazionale (1918-1926)
Reihe: Dibattiti storici in parlamento, Archivio storico del Senato della Repubblica (Hg.), vol. 4
ISBN 978-88-15-24708-7
Die Geschichte einer Grenze. Italien an der Adria vom Friedensvertrag bis zum Faschismus.
„Die Herausforderung von d’Annunzio und die Fehler der Regierung Nitti unterminierten die Autorität des Staates.“ Sergio Romano, in: Corriere della Sera, 3. Juli 2014.
Territorial Revisionism and the Allies of Germany in the Second World War
Marina Cattaruzza / Stefan Dyroff / Dieter Langewiesche (Hg.)
ISBN-13: 978-0857457387
A few years after the Nazis came to power in Germany, an alliance of states and nationalistic movements formed, revolving around the German axis. Such an alliance, the states involved, and the interplay between their territorial aims and those of Germany during the interwar period and World War II are at the core of this volume. This "territorial revisionism" came to include all manner of politics and military measures that attempted to change existing borders. Taking into account not just interethnic relations but also the motivations of states and nationalizing ethnocratic ruling elites, the volume reconceptualizes the history of East Central Europe during World War II. Thus, the volume presents a clearer understanding of some of the central topics in the history of the War itself and offers an alternative to standard German accounts of the period 1933-1945 and East European nation-states' histories.
“This is an excellent topic, clearly defined and illuminated by some first rate articles. This volume will contribute to the scholarly literature on the Second World War (which often neglects the smaller participants), but will also enrich discussions among historians and social scientists on that key tension between states and nations.” · James Sheehan, Stanford University
“The authors are to be commended for their original research and analysis… In addressing the opportunistic goals, motives, and prejudices of revisionist elites seeking territorial gain in fragile interwar nation-states, the book makes a key contribution to the comparative and transnational history of modern East Central Europe.” · Steven Seegel, University of Northern Colorado
Die Moderne und ihre Krisen
Studien von Marina Cattaruzza zur europäischen Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts
Sacha Zala (Hg.)
Festgabe zu ihrem 60. Geburtstag
ISBN 978-3-89971-916-1
Dieser Band versammelt 15 ausgewählte Forschungsbeiträge von Marina Cattaruzza zur europäischen Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Thematisch erstrecken sie sich von den Küstenregionen der Donaumonarchie, dem Schicksal von Minderheiten, Fragen der Nationalität, der Ausgrenzung und der gewaltsamen Aussiedlung bis hin zur Historiographie des Nationalsozialismus und der Shoah.
Sozialisten an der Adria
Plurinationale Arbeiterbewegung in der Habsburgermonarchie
ISBN 978-3-428-13775-6
«Dieses Buch rechne ich zu denen, die man gelesen haben muß, wenn man sich mit der sozialdemokratischen Arbeiterbewegung und mit der Nationalitätenfrage in der Habsburgermonarchie bis in die Zeit des Ersten Weltkrieges beschäftigt.» Dieter Langewiesche im Gutachten zur Übersetzung von Marina Cattaruzzas «Socialismo adriatico»
«By placing Adriatic movements firmly in the broader context of Central European developments, Cattaruzza has succeeded in her aims - to illuminate the particular history of social democratic movements in the Adriatic regions and to broaden scholars' perspectives on social democracy in the Habsburg Empire.» Marta Hametz, in: Austrian History Yearbook, 31/2000.
L’Italia e il confine orientale: 1866-2006
4. Auflage, Bologna (Il Mulino) 2011.
„Es gab bislang kein Buch, das derart ausgewogen, informiert und intelligent über die Begeisterung und die Ängste Rechenschaft ablegte, die diese Grenze hervorrief.“
„Non esisteva un libro che rendesse conto in modo altrettanto equilibrato, informato e intelligente degli entusiasmi e delle angosce che quel confine suscitò.“
Sergio Romano, Corriere della Sera
Rezension von Dean Vuletic für Austrian History Yearbook XLI (2010)
Rezension von Hans Lemberg für H_Soz-u-Kult vom 22. April 2009
Rezension von Sabine Rutar für Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 88 (2008), S. 738-740 (=S. 152-154 des PDF)