Agnes Gehbald


Ordinariat Neueste Geschichte

+41 31 684 45 52
B 126a, Unitobler, Länggassstrasse 49
Universität Bern
Historisches Institut
Länggassstrasse 49
3012 Bern
Mittwoch 15–16 Uhr
Seit Juni 2021 Early Postdoc, Wiss. Assistentin in Neuester Geschichte am Historischen Institut der Universität Bern
2015 - 2021 Promotion, Wiss. Mitarbeiterin in Iberischer und Lateinamerikanischer Geschichte am Historischen Institut der Universität zu Köln
Dissertation: “Popular Print Culture and the Book Market in Late Colonial Peru, 1763–1821”,
Betreut von: Stefanie Gänger (Heidelberg), Gesine Müller (Köln), Gabriela Ramos (Cambridge)
2019 - 2020 Visiting PhD Student am Centre of Latin American Studies, University of Cambridge
2018 Fellow an der John Carter Brown Library, Brown University
2015, 2016 Forschungsaufenthalte in Peru und Spanien
2008 - 2014 Staatsexamen gymn. Lehramt für Geschichte, Spanisch, Deutsch an der Universität Konstanz
  • Global Book History
  • Migration and Mobility
  • Transatlantic Connections
  • Colonial and Imperial History
  • Latin American History
  • Transatlantische Remigration nach Europa, 1870–1920, Postdoc-Projekt
  • A Colonial Book Market: Peruvian Print Culture in the Age of Enlightenment
    Based on the research for my PhD project, this volume provides a wholly original social history of books in late colonial Peru. From the second half of the eighteenth century onward, workshops in Lima and transoceanic imports supplied the market with unprecedented quantities of print publications. By tracing the variety of printed commodities that were circulating in the urban sphere, as well as analysing the spatiality of the trade and the materiality of the books themselves, I assess the meaning of print culture in the everyday lives of the viceroyalty. I reveal how books permeated late colonial society on a broad scale and how they figured as objects in the inventories of diverse individuals, both women and men, who, in previous centuries, had been far less likely to possess them. A Colonial Book Market uncovers how people in Peruvian cities gained access to reading material and participated in the global Enlightenment project.


Edited Volumes:

  • Agnes Gehbald, Philipp Horn, Rea Vogt. Atlantic Crossings: Temporary Migration and Labour around 1900, COMPARATIV special issue, forthcoming 2025.
  • Agnes Gehbald & Nora E. Jiménez. Libros en movimiento: Nueva España y Perú XVI–XVIII, Zamora, Michoacán: Colegio de Michoacán 2021.

Journal Articles & Book Chapters (Selection)

BORIS Portal – Liste aller Publikationen

Dez 2023 «Los orígenes de la novela en el Perú», Vortrag von Marcel Velázquez, Bern (mit Félix Terrones)
Okt 2023 «Atlantic Crossings: Forms of Temporary Labour Migration around 1900», Workshop, Bern (mit Philipp Horn und Rea Vogt)
Jun 2018 «Libros en movimiento: Nueva España y Perú, siglos XVI-XVIII», Panel am 56° ICA, Salamanca (mit Nora Jiménez)
2024 CARA-Award GHI / UC Berkeley
2024 KFW-Fellow am DHI / IHA Paris
2022 - 2023 COMET Karriereprogramm der Universität Bern
2021 Friedrich-Lütge-Preis der GSWG für die Dissertation
2018 William Reese Fellowship, John Carter Brown Library
2016 DAAD-Forschungsstipendium für Auslandsrecherche
2015 a.r.t.e.s. International Reisestipendium, Universität zu Köln
2010 - 2011 PAD-Förderung des praktischen Jahres in Schulen im Ausland
2008 - 2014 Stipendium der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes