Paulo Antonio Zappia


Abteilung für Iberische und Lateinamerikanische Geschichte

Universität Bern
Historisches Institut
Länggassstrasse 49
3012 Bern
2010-2012 Mestrado em História, Universidade de Brasília (Brasil) [Master]
2003-2007 Assistant Professor in the subject Historia Económica Contemporánea, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (Argentina)
Seit 2000 Argentine Diplomat
1998-1999 Scholarship Student at Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación (Argentina)
1997-2007 Assistant Professor in the subject Historia de América II, Universidad del Salvador (Argentina)
1992-1996 Licenciatura en Historia, Universidad del Salvador (Argentina) [Graduation]
  • ​​​Economic history
  • History of Economic Thought
  • Latin American History
  • History of Technology

The chair of Political Economy at the University of Buenos Aires (1823-1866)

This doctoral thesis project aims, first of all, to reconstruct the evolution of the Political Economy chair at the University of Buenos Aires from its establishment until 1866. Considering the end of the Spanish-American war of independence with the battle of Ayacucho (1824) and the organization of the modern Argentine national State with the presidential inauguration of Bartolomé Mitre in 1862, the selected period comprises almost half a century, in which the teaching of Political Economy became part of the university curriculum in Buenos Aires (before it did in several European and North American institutions) and accompanied the first stages of the consolidation of the Argentine national economy. During that period, the chair of Political Economy was established and suppressed at least twice, which allows for the study of the interaction between decision-making in the educational institution and the influence that local contemporary politics could have had on those procedures. Secondly, this project proposes to trace the way in which teaching and learning took place at the university level in the River Plate region at that time. In particular, the study of the interaction between professors and students in a peripheral space such as Buenos Aires can also offer material for better understanding the circulation of economic ideas in the Atlantic world. Thus, the proposed analysis can make a significant contribution to the scientific discussion on intellectual training as a factor in the development of the identities and social structures of the upper classes of urban Argentina and as a factor in the legitimization of structures for generating and distributing national wealth.

2003-2005 International Scholar. Society for the History of Technology
1997 Gold Medal given by Academia Nacional de la Historia de la República Argentina, to the best performance as History graduate in Argentina
1997 Honors degree given by Universidad del Salvador (Argentina), to outstanding performance as History graduate: General average: 9,60 (out of 10)